Tripple Online Store
Welcome to Tripple Hydro & Energy's online store, your premier destination for top-tier renewable energy solutions. We specialize in providing high-quality solar energy products tailored for both DIY enthusiasts and professional installations.
Our user-friendly online platform offers a diverse selection of products designed to meet the unique needs of domestic, commercial, and industrial applications. Ccompetitive pricing with the convenience of nationwide delivery.
Explore our online store today and take the first step towards efficient, sustainable energy solutions.


Renewable Energy Specialists in Power Solutions, Solar Irrigation and Solar Pumping Systems. Our services range from - Custom Design, Supply + Delivery, Installations, Commisioning and Support. Thank you for your consideration to do business with our company.
We are widely represented in Sub-Saharan Africa and we also offer our services through a franchised and branded network in selected areas.
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